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Steve Jobs, 1955–2011: Mourning Technology's Great Reinventor


Steve Jobs, whose death was announced Wednesday night, Oct. 5, 2011, wasn't a computer scientist. He had no training as a hardware engineer or industrial designer. The businesses Apple entered under his leadership — from personal computers to MP3 players to smart phones — all existed before the company got there.

But with astonishing regularity, Jobs did something that few people accomplish even once: he reinvented entire industries. He did it with ones that were new, like PCs, and he did it with ones that were old, like music. And his pace only accelerated over the years.

He was the most celebrated, successful business executive of his generation, yet he flouted many basic tenets of business wisdom. (Like his hero and soul mate, Polaroid founder Edwin Land, he refused to conduct focus groups or other research that might tell him what his customers wanted.) In his many public appearances as the head of a large public corporation, he rarely sounded like one. He introduced the first Macintosh by quoting Bob Dylan, and he took to saying that Apple sat "at the intersection of the liberal arts and technology." (See photos of the long and extraordinary career of Steve Jobs.)

Jobs' confidence in the wisdom of his instincts came to be immense, as did the hype he created at Apple product launches. That might have been unbearable if it weren't the case that his intuition was nearly flawless and the products often lived up to his lofty claims. St. Louis Cardinals pitching great "Dizzy" Dean could have been talking about Jobs rather than himself when he said, "It ain't bragging if you can back it up."

Jobs' eventual triumph was so absolute — in 2011, Apple's market capitalization passed that of Exxon Mobil, making it the planet's most valuable company — that it's easy to forget how checkered his reputation once was. Over the first quarter-century of his career, he was associated with as many failed products as hits. Having been forced out of Apple in 1985, he was associated with failure, period. Even some of his admirers thought of him as the dreamer who'd lost the war for personal-computer dominance to Microsoft's indomitable Bill Gates.

Until the iPod era, it seemed entirely possible that Jobs' most lasting legacy might be the blockbuster animated features produced by Pixar, the company he founded after acquiring George Lucas' computer-graphics lab in 1986. Instead, Pixar turned out to be, in Jobs' famous phrase, just one more thing. (See Steve Jobs' TIME covers.)

Born in 1955 in San Francisco to an unmarried graduate student and adopted at birth by Paul and Clara Jobs, Steven Paul Jobs grew up in Silicon Valley just as it was becoming Silicon Valley. It proved to be a lucky break for everyone concerned.

He was only 21 when he started Apple — officially formed on April Fool's Day, 1976 — with his buddy Steve "Woz" Wozniak, a self-taught engineer of rare talents. (A third founder, Ron Wayne, chickened out after less than two weeks.)

But Jobs had already done a lot of living, all of which influenced the company he built. He'd spent one unhappy semester at Reed College in Portland, Ore., and 18 happy months of "dropping in" on Reed classes as he saw fit. He'd found brief employment in low-level jobs at Silicon Valley icons HP and Atari. He'd taken a spiritual journey to India and dabbled with both psychedelic drugs and primal scream therapy.                (資料來源:美國時代雜誌)










(Business)Steve Jobs Dies at 56

Tributes flow in from around the world for the visionary innovator.

Steve Jobs, the visionary genius behind some of the worlds most popular gadgets and machines, died on October 5. He was 56 years old. The announcement was made by Apple, the company he helped establish in 1976 and which he led to a position of prominence in the tech industry. A family friend said he died due to problems resulting from his long fight with pancreatic cancer.

Tributes flowed in from around the world, and it seemed everyone, from the president of the United States to many average people on the street, had something to say. Some of the warmest words came from fellow tech innovator Bill Gates. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, its been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely, he added.

Apple released a statement saying: Steves brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve. There can be no doubt that Steve Jobs was an incredible individual V someone who was able to bring together the worlds of technology and popular culture.























賈伯斯的座右銘「Stay hungry,stay foolish(求知若飢,虛心若愚)」是現代人很好的榜樣。賈伯斯留給世人的精神是,必須時時刻刻抱持初學者的謙虛及渴望求知的態度,來擁抱未來知識。







他不是驟逝,8年前200310月,醫師已宣告他罹患胰臟癌,「生命只剩6個月。」那刻起,他的命已如一張薄紙,一不小心,戳了即破;2010年他站在舞台上公布iPad 2,旋轉手中的創新產品,微弱乾咳嗓音:「它多麼薄,多麼美好。」此刻賈伯斯形容還包括了自己的生命。

賈伯斯於2005612日,也是醫生宣告他早已應死亡後1年半,參加史丹佛畢業典禮,他為學子們說了人生點滴。他是個意外出生的男嬰,一個意外被工人家庭收養的男孩;他的養父連高中文憑都沒有。天才在一連串悲劇中誕生,但整場演說,他沒有用過「創傷」兩個字。創傷只屬於凡人,屬於拒絕超越自我的人,屬於不為自己人生負責的人。他談起自己讀不起昂貴的里德學院(Reed College),不只沒眼淚,反而心疼藍領階級的養父母花盡畢生積蓄栽培他的愛心,而他看不出價值所在。他愛書法也愛佛學,或許後來罹病身形,使他看起來更像仙風道骨的修行人。輟學後他超越世俗,有若一名早熟仙人把書法與科技結合,最終捕捉最迷人的蘋果程式。


釋放你的悲傷,釋放你的憤怒,釋放你的藉口,釋放一切擋住你看到夢想的屏障,勇敢在人生旅途上,Keep Walking, Keep Running




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