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Facebook Graph Search: 5 things to know


Facebook has spent eight years nudging its users to share everything they like and everything they do. Now, the company is betting it has enough data so that people can find whatever they want on Facebook. And on Tuesday, it unveiled a new tool to help them dig for it.



Designed to unearth specific kinds of information

The tool, which the company calls graph search, is Facebook's most ambitious stab at overturning the Web search business ruled by its chief rival, Google. It is also an effort to elbow aside other web services designed to unearth specific kinds of information, like LinkedIn for jobs, Match for dates and Yelp for restaurants.



Facebook has spent over a year honing graph search, said Mark Zuckerberg, the company's co-founder and chief executive, at an event here at Facebook's headquarters introducing the new product. He said it would enable Facebook users to search their social network for people, places, photos and things that interest them.



That might include, Zuckerberg offered, Mexican restaurants in Palo Alto that his friends have "liked" on Facebook or checked into - though not status updates as yet. It might be used to find a date, a dentist or job, other Facebook executives said.



"Graph search," Zuckerberg said, "is a completely new way to get information on Facebook."


Graph search will be immediately available to a limited number of Facebook users - in the "thousands," Zuckerberg said - and gradually extended to the rest.

Every internet platform company has been interested in conquering search.



Social data related search

But Facebook search differs from other search services because of the mountain of social data the company has collected over the years. It knows which parks your friends like to take their children to, or which pubs they like to visit, and who among their network is single and lives nearby.



The company is betting that its users are more eager to hear their friends' recommendations for a restaurant than advice from a professional food critic or from a stranger on Yelp.



The search tool is based on the premise that the data within Facebook is enough and that its users will have little reason to venture outside its blue walled garden. What they cannot find inside the garden, its search partner, Bing, a Microsoft product, will help them find on the Web.



Search limited to data within your social network

For now, the Facebook tool will mine its users' pictures, likes and check-ins, but not their status updates. Graph search, Zuckerberg explained, is aimed at answering questions based on the data contained in your social network, not serving you a list of links to other websites.



Say, for example, you are searching for a grocery store in Manhattan. You would type that question into a box on your Facebook page and the results would show stores your friends liked or where they had checked in.



No pictures from Instagram as of now

Zuckerberg said Tuesday that initially, photos posted on Instagram, which Facebook owns, would not be part of the database of photos that can be searched, nor would he specify how soon graph search would be available to those who log in using the Facebook app on their cellphones.



The search tool is plainly designed with an eye to producing profits. If done right, said Brian Blau, an analyst with Gartner, the Facebook search tool could offer marketers a more precise signal of a Web user's interests.



"It's going to lend itself to advertising or other revenue-generating products that better matches what people are looking for," he said. "Advertisers are going to be able to better target what you're interested in. It's a much more meaningful search than keyword search."


Privacy concerns

It remains unclear how users will react to having others mine the data they share on Facebook. Zuckerberg took pains to reassure Facebook users that their posts and pictures would be found only if they want them to be found. Before the new search tool rolls out, users will get a nudge: "Please take some time to review who can see your stuff," it will read. Facebook tweaked its privacy controls last December.



The kind of personal search that Facebook is promising is rife with potential privacy hazards, which Zuckerberg acknowledged repeatedly.

"The search we wanted to build is privacy-aware," he maintained. "On Facebook, most of the things people share with you isn't public."


The American Civil Liberties Union immediately posted a warning, reminding Facebook users to review their privacy settings. It pointed out that advertisers who, until now, could target only certain categories of people anonymously - "users under 35 who live in Texas," for instance - could now find specific users under 35 who live in Texas, if their privacy settings allowed them to be found. It cautioned that "controlling your personal data means controlling not only who can see your information but how it can be found and what can be done with it."


But Facebook pointed out that even though a business owner could personally search for specific personal data, a brand page could not. Detailed searching of Facebook data for the sake of sending promotional messages would violate the site's internal policies.



News of the new search tool offered a modest lift to Facebook shares, which rose 2.7 per cent to a close at $30.10 Tuesday. Google remained stable, with a share price of nearly $725. Google retains two-thirds of the search market, and Facebook's search tool by itself is not likely to affect Google's business.

Still, introduction of the graph search sharpens the divide between Facebook and Google.

"If Facebook can truly provide relevant answers based on mining data from the social graph, it has an advantage," said Venkat N. Venkatraman, a business professor at Boston University.



Google has been scrambling for several years to collect social data and incorporate it into search results, as Web users increasingly turn to social networks to seek friends' recommendations.


It introduced Google Plus, its Facebook rival, in 2011, and from the beginning said its main purpose was to use social information to improve and personalize all Google products, from search to maps to ads.


Last year, Google began showing posts, photos, profiles and conversations from Google+ in Google search results. A search for restaurants in Seattle, for instance, could show posts and photos shared by friends in addition to links from around the Web. Google declined to comment for this article.


The search team was led by two former Google engineers, Lars Rasmussen and Tom Stocky. As they explained in a blog post on the Facebook Engineering Department page, graph search solves a problem of Facebook's own making: It has collected so much information.


"As people shared more and more content, we saw that we needed to give them better ways to explore and enjoy those stories and memories," they wrote.



 th21 1280 graph search  



前幾天,人們對 Facebook 將推出什麼新產品多有猜測。






Facebook 週二(1月15日)在加州 Menlo Park 總部召開新聞發布會,執行長 Mark Zuckerberg 宣佈推出 Graph Search 工具。



Graph Search 不只是搜尋器,除了 News Feed、Timeline,它是另一取得訊息的方式
這是 Facebook 自 2012 年 5 月上市以來推出的最重要產品,它區別於普通搜索的突出特點是:這是一款與用戶密切相關的搜索。

它是 Facebook 對 10 億名用戶、2400 億張照片和 1 萬億次頁面訪問量做出的回應,這個工具旨在向用戶提供有關人、照片、地方和興趣(這也是與用戶相關的四個維度)等問題的答案。



比如,就搜索「興趣」的功能而言,可輸入「我朋友喜歡的電影」或「我朋友喜歡的電視劇」等關鍵詞,或是搜索「我朋友點讚的電視劇視頻」,然後 Graph Search 就會直接給出答案。

Zuckerberg 說,現在在 Facebook 上取得信息的方式有三種:News Feed、Timeline 和 Graph Search,他說道,



人們想要知道自己附近的世界正在發生什麼事情,那就是News Feed,想要知道有關人的事情,則可以用 Timeline;而現在新增的第三種方式是,可以通過搜索找到內容,這就是 Graph Search。


Zuckerberg 強調這並非網絡搜索,舉例來說,傳統搜索中,搜索關鍵字「hip hop」,用戶就能獲得通往相關頁面的鏈接來獲得信息,與此相比,Graph Search 會返還答案,而不是通往答案的鏈接。


這個產品如果發展順利,無疑將有利於服務 Facebook 的廣告客戶。另外,它還會被添加到 Facebook 的移動端上,而移動端的圖搜索就肯定還會加入地理位置元素,甚至還有語音搜索。



前兩天《紐約時報》曾撰文闡述了搜索對 Facebook 的重大意義,

「在網絡廣告行業中,搜索所佔的收入比重最大,這也正是谷歌的利潤達到 Facebook 十倍的原因,也正因如此,只要略微向搜索領域挺進一些,便可為這家社交網絡帶來驚人的利潤。」

不過,股市對​​這款產品似乎不領情。昨天(1月15日)Facebook 股價跌2.74%,谷歌則微漲 0.23%,但就 Graph Search 所提供的啟示意義而言,這無關宏旨。



Facebook 的能量不在社交,而在連結
Zuckerberg 說,


「當我一開始做 Facebook 時,我們實際上就提供了一些類似功能,不過當時只是對你的學校適用。Facebook 因為能讓你跟你已認識的人保持聯繫,所以能幫你進一步認識周圍的朋友、結識新的社區。但是,放在一個學校裡去做這事兒好辦,如果這事兒放在成萬人上面、讓它同時發生的話,就很困難了。


我們是從連結你想要聯繫的人,過渡到連結跟你的熟人相識的人。Graph Search 是在「發現」方面一個成熟的版本;探索你的社區是人類核心需求,這是我們朝那個方向邁進的第一步。」


在 Graph Search 發佈後,科技博客網站《PandoDaily》有分析認為,Facebook 雖仍然被定義為「社交網絡」,但是它真正的能量不在社交,而是在於,它是一個「連結網絡」。


跟其他的社交應用或網站相比,它連結了全球 10 億用戶。物理意義上,互聯網仍然是一堆機器的連結,但是 Facebook 已讓它變成了一個巨大的「人的連結」之網。


該文作者還說,Facebook 之所以還不夠成功,是因為它還沒有找到一個合適的槓桿,把這10億用戶的能量撬動起來。而這次發布的Graph Search,可能是這種槓桿的可能性之一。


同時,Graph Search 也是對 Google 共同創辦人 Sergey Brin 一直在說的「封閉」與「開放」之爭的一個重大打擊。


由於連結了你相識的人、以及你可能感興趣的人,Facebook 基本上已自成一個體系。這些人際間留存、流傳的信息,對一個人的日常工作​​生活需求(​​比如找飯館、找圖片、找工作機會)來說,可能已足夠了,甚至比開放互聯網上的信息更加靠譜,只是欠缺 Facebook 幫你有效地挖掘與呈現,一旦 Facebook 做了這個工作,那麼你無需在開放的互聯網上蒐集大量信息。
















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