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1. 教育部規劃3階段積極展開12年國教各項宣導工作,教育部長吳清基表示,儘管12年國教面臨許多挑戰,但實施後,因為國中可以適性輔導,沒有考試引導教學,能使教學更活潑;總統馬英九昨天(25)也說,中央政府將花9個月時間與地方政府協商,明年確定12年國教分發入學方式,使教育水準提升。


The Ministry of Education has aggressively promoted the 12-year compulsory education in three stages. The Minister of Education
吳清基 indicated that despite the many challenges that the 12-year compulsory education faces, after the program kicks off, junior high school can provide counseling to students according to their aptitude instead of test-oriented teaching methods, which will lead to diversified teaching . President Ma also mentioned yesterday that the central government would coordinate with the local government for the following 9 months and finalize the enrollment of schools for the 12-year compulsory education in order to upgrade the educational standard. 




The Ministry of Education has been promoting the second foreign language in senior high schools with nearly 90,000 students already signing up for the language courses. Aside from English, Japanese, German, French and Spanish, Vietnamese and Indonesian were added to the courses last year to give more learning opportunities to students. The latest-published e-newspaper from the Ministry of Education had a feature report on the result of senior high school students learning the second foreign language.




The 7th annual Ukraine International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies has come to an end. Taiwanese team garnered 28 gold, 15 silver and 5 bronze medals as well as the best social technique and the best youth invention prizes. Chinese Innovation and Invention Society indicated that the person winning the best social technique,
邱士淳, currently studying in Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science (CNU), based on the principle of traditional Chinese medicine recuperation, developed a functional health drink deriving from natural plants.




The Child Welfare League Foundation held an anti-bully animation contest in the hope of calling on people’s value of peace-loving by the creative form of animation. Aside from being the designated anti-bully animation material in the campus, the champion of the winning animation will be awarded with a grand prize of NT$120,000. There will be no age limit and the deadline for the solicited animations is Nov. 25th.





Kaohsiung Mayor
陳菊 visited the centenarians living in Hunei District and awarded them with cash gifts and certificates for the elders. Mayor 陳菊indicated that after the merge of Kaohsiung city and county, the elderly welfare budget has been increased from NT$3.3 billion dollars to NT$ 4.1 billion dollars. The welfare budget increased NT$ 6, 411averagely for every senior person in Kaohsiung county. The mayor also pointed out that a longevity demonstrative village will be set up in Tianliao District, Kaohsiung city in the hope of building a happy paradise for the elders.



多數人想像中的學校宿舍,大概只能勉強裝下電視、衣櫃,頂多再一臺小冰箱,但隨著美國的大學迎合學生需求,宿舍出現了電影院、日光浴床、健身房,還有私人衛浴空間。美國密西根大學(University of Michigan)耗資17500萬美元打造的豪華宿舍開張,配備視訊會議教室,裝了智慧型互動白板的K書廳,平板電視更是幾乎每個走廊一臺,用來公告近期活動。


In most people’s imagination, school dormitory can be barely furnished with TVs, closets and mini-fridges at most; however, with an aim to cater to students’ needs in American universities, school dorm is now equipped with movie theaters, sun-bathing beds, gyms and private showering areas. University of Michigan spent US$175 million dollars building a luxurious dorm that is equipped with video-conferencing rooms, study rooms with smart-boards. In addition, flat-screen TVs are installed in every hall of the dorm to inform students of recent activities in school. 



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