辦公室文化除了茶水間的蜚短流長外...最夯的非 #團購 莫屬
網拍種類 |
Payment 付款方式 |
Shipping Fee 運費 |
Product Delivery 取貨方式 |
Returns 退貨 |
Online shopping center / Business to Consumer e-commerce 網路購物中心 |
cash / collect on delivery (COD) 貨到付款 |
free shipping 免運費 |
(direct) shipping 直接運送 |
free return within 7 days 七天鑑賞期 |
Self-owned brand (online store) 自有品牌 |
billing to mobile phones and landlines 電信 (帳單)付款 |
shipping rate 運費費率 |
drop shipping 第三方運送 |
restocking fee 退貨手續費 |
Online Auction Website 拍賣網站 |
electronic money 電子貨幣 |
shipping fee (單一產品) 運費 |
in-store pickup 到店取貨 |
return policy退貨條款 |
1. I've placed 5 orders on Sep 27, and my credit card has been charged. However, I haven't received my order; can you find out what happened? Thanks.
2. Is it safe to order products online using my credit card or checking information?
3. It is reliable to buy things online. They’ll deliver the books to your home for free. If there is any problem, you can refund them.
4. How long will it take for my order to arrive?
5. Can I cancel a purchase?
6. Your clothes are terrible. I would like to make a complain. Who can I complain to?
7. This is your fault, I won't pay for shipping. I want a full refund. Give my money back.
(延伸閱讀:一點都不難! Online Shopping 3分鐘學會美國網購輕鬆省荷包)
團購網站的始祖是2008年成立的Groupon,此字融合group (團體) 和coupon (折價券),結合成一新字。團購期限往往以一天為限,主打 Featured Deal of the Day (每日一物) 的限量搶購,並推出 one deal a day 或 deal of the day (每日特價)。不過 Groupon 在 2015 年已退出台灣,但目前本土的團購市場還是有很多業者在競爭。
(+launch / initiate a ) team buying/group buying / group purchase / collective buying (發起) 團購 |
referral 推薦 |
vendor 商家、販售者 |
on sale 大拍賣 |
voucher 優惠券、兌換券 |
unboxing 開箱文 |
merchant 商人 |
bulk discount 大幅優惠 |
discount coupon打折券 |
paid review 業配文 |
team buyer 參與團購的人 |
freebie 贈品 |
rebate coupon 現金券/抵金券 |
product placement 置入性行銷 |
team buying initiator / go-between 主購、發起團購者 |
defraud 詐騙 |
ultra-discounted ticket 超低價優惠券 |
1. Who is interested in group buying of some soy milk makers?
2. If we order 20 pieces at once, we can get a 10% discount.
3. If I place the order before noon, we will receive the products by tomorrow.
台灣最早的團購社群就是PTT 的「合購板 (BuyTogether) 」,是現在所有台灣團購社群網站概念的始祖。其中 delivery in person (面交) 為最常見的方式。
最後則是要提醒大家,上網團購時,要特別注意購物說明,如果網站上出現 Read the fine print carefully. 就是要大家細讀附屬細則,免得被其中的陷阱所害;因為若有隱藏陷阱,都是用小字體印出,絶不會用大字體, fine print 指的是「極小的字體」,也可以說成 small print。