







Death Comes for the Master Terrorist:

 Osama bin Laden (1957-2011)



Almost 10 years ago, Osama bin Laden ghosted away from the Afghan battlefields. Afterward, it was as if the doomsday sheik had slipped into a twilight zone in which the only proof that he was alive was the chilling voice on a spool of tape, the occasional video image — and the string of terrorist outrages and wars around the globe that claimed inspiration from him and his cause.


At 11:35 p.m. E.T. on May 1, 2011, President Barack Obama made a dramatic television appearance to announce that bin Laden, whose capture or killing was the top priority of CIA chief Leon Panetta, was dead. The leader of al-Qaeda, Obama said, had been tracked by way of intelligence sources in August 2010, and earlier on May 1, a team of U.S. operatives found him at a compound in Pakistan in the town of Abbottabad, 75 miles outside of Islamabad and the home of the Pakistani army's training academy.


The location — not in the increasingly militant heartland of Punjab and not too far from the unsettled frontier and tribal areas — was a peaceful, quiet patch, and the perfect place to hide until May 1.


After a brief firefight, the fugitive leader of al-Qaeda was killed and his body retrieved. The long search for the man seen as the embodiment of evil in the U.S. and much of the West was over.


Outside the White House, despite the late hour, a group of young people gathered to cheer. George W. Bush, under whose presidency the 9/11 attacks occurred, released a statement saying, "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."

Read more:,8599,2068858,00.html#ixzz1LLpInW3f


菁英世界新聞】拉登之死 伊斯蘭世界與美國仇恨啟示錄 


美國哈佛大學教授杭庭頓(Samuel P. Huntington)曾於1993年「外交事務」(Foreign Affairs)期刊中,發表《文明的衝突?》,他指出未來的全球國際關係,由西方基督教文明伊斯蘭文明儒家文明之間的衝突與對抗。美國911恐怖事件發生,兩座倒榻雙子星大廈五角大廈掀起了美國與回教世界的戰火,當時國際媒體一面倒地支持布希政府出兵伊拉克,卻沒有人敢言是美國背後的陰謀論,圖的是軍火利益,圖的是中東國家的石油,圖的是搶救聲勢低迷的小布希活生生將「恐怖攻擊」操弄為政治議題。 




殺賓拉登,打擊不了恐怖主義,因為恐怖主義並無實體,而是意識形態的對抗交戰,殺一個人,代價死更多人。殺拉登真的代表正義的勝利嗎?還是下個殺戮的開始?美國人,你們到底在歡慶甚麼。(Malik Prem, 2011)






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