




【菁英站前聽英文歌學英語】英倫不死經典樂團Radiohead-High and Dry



Radiohead-High and Dry


Two jumps in a week, I bet you think that's pretty 1_____ don't you boy
Flyin' on your motorcycle, watching all the ground beneath you drop
You'd kill yourself for 2_____ , kill yourself to never ever stop
You broke another mirror, you're turning into something you are not

Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry

Drying up in conversation, you will be the one who cannot talk
All your insides fall to 3______, you just sit there wishing you could still make love
They're the ones who'll hate you when you think you've got the world
all sussed out
They're the ones who'll 4_______at you, you will be the one screaming out

Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry

Oh, it's the best thing that you've ever had
The best thing that you've ever, ever had
It's the best thing that you've ever had
The best thing you've had has gone away

So don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high
Don't leave me high
Don't leave me dry






ANS:1. clever 2. recognition 3. pieces 4. spit







主唱Thom Yorke湯姆約克一出生就患有視力疾病,他動過五次的手術,而在最後一次失敗的手術裡,他差點失去左眼視力。因為父親工作關係常搬家的約克開始把心力轉向音樂,並深受Elvis Costello、Queen、Beatles的影響。在牛津定居下來之後,約克被送到一所私立男校就讀,他開始聽80年代樂團,像是the Smiths、R.E.M.、the Cure的歌,約克決定與學校同學Ed O'Brien以及Colin Greenwood、個性溫和的鼓手Phil Selway以及Greenwood的弟弟Jonny組成樂團,團名取為On A Friday(電台司令的前身)。然而團員鎮日練團惹火了父母,於是大家決定上大學以安撫抓狂的父母,將樂團暫時擱置一邊。


1991年夏天團員重新聚首後,將團名改為電台司令(取自Talking Heads的歌曲《Radio Head》),同年在Hollybush Inn演出處女秀,很快就在聽眾心中留下深刻的印象。電台司令首張迷你專輯為92年在英國發行的EP 【Drill】,初試啼聲就引起許多當紅歌手或樂團對他們產生興趣,紛紛邀請電台司令為他們的巡迴演唱做暖場演出,其中包括PJ Harvey、Tears For Fears和James。




電台司令的歷年專輯在全球創造了超過2500萬張的銷售,在他們所發表的七張錄音室專輯裡頭,總計有《OK Computer》、《Kid A》、《Amnesiac》、《Hail To The Thief》、《In Rainbows》等五張專輯勇奪英國金榜的冠軍王座,同時也有17首打進英國金榜Top 40的單曲,他們的專輯獲得了17個國家的白金銷售認證與九個國家的超白金銷售認證,他們的作品贏得兩座葛萊美獎的喝采。電台司令樂團早已成為搖滾樂史上最具指標性,最獲傳媒青睞的樂團,他們的專輯不僅在專輯發表的該年度在全球傳媒的最佳專輯評選中名列前茅,其中的《The Bends》、《OK Computer》、《Kid A》這三張專輯更是經常在搖滾音樂史上的最重要專輯名單中現身。


1995年首次發行的《善變The Bends》,其樂風仍維持其一貫之風格,在編曲及意境上的營造功力更為成熟內斂,大有自己的獨有味道。而靈魂人物主唱隨興狂野、收放自如的唱腔仍令樂迷無法抗拒,更創造出包括〈My lron Lung〉、〈High And Dry〉、〈Fake Plastic Trees...等在內的經典作品,甚至一度登上Q雜誌票選史上最佳專輯Top 6




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