【菁英世界新聞】富比士百大影響人物 驚世駭俗女神卡卡降臨台灣
The Business Of Lady Gaga
Dirk Smillie, 11.25.09, 12:00 PM EST
Lady Gaga isn't the music industry's new Madonna. She's its new business model.
In an interview last winter, Lady Gaga recalled her anguish at being ignored as she performed at a bar filled with drunken NYU students. No one paid the slightest attention to her until, fed up, she decided to strip down to her lingerie. "I started playing in my underwear at the piano and I remember everyone was all of a sudden like 'Whoa!' And I said, 'Yeah, you're looking at me now, huh?' "
Yes, we are. In the cacophony of the music business, Gaga has broken through the clutter with muzzle velocity, becoming a superstar in scarcely a year. Her first album, The Fame, is the best-selling debut album of 2009. Her single Just Dance has been viewed 87 million times on YouTube. Gaga's tracks have clocked 20 million downloads this year. One of them, Poker Face, is the most downloaded tune in the history of U.K. digital music.
Before she was Gaga, she was Stefani Germanotta, an obscure go-go dancer who worked burlesque bars in lower Manhattan. A precocious talent, she played piano by age 4 and clinched a seat at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts at 17. But her fame and commercial success hasn't followed the career template of Madonna (a trained dancer who worked her way up the club circuit) or winners of American Idol (where pop stars are selected by celebrity panel).
Gaga's business model starts with an incongruous product. Listen to Gaga's Poker Face and you might imagine it's Britney Spears in a track suit. But watch the video and you'll see a work of conceptual porn. Gaga, a 23-year-old blonde with bulletproof bangs and 3-inch lashes, slinks across stages in gleaming metal bustiers, smoked latex underwear and thigh-high stiletto boots. Performing Paparazzi at the Video Music Awards, she ended the set dangling above the stage in gauzy white La Perla lingerie, horrifying her audience as fake blood gushed from her bosom.
All this debauchery is purposeful fodder for social media and the mainstream press. "She's a perv, but Lady Gaga understands viral marketing better than anyone on the pop scene today," says magazine industry veteran Simon Dumenco. By showing up wearing a bird's nest or a model of the solar system on her head, every Gaga appearance becomes an item (11,500 mainstream media stories cite her this year). "She is directing every frame of her music and her life, imagining how clips will appear on YouTube and what people will tweet after she appears on the VMAs," says Dumenco.
She's meticulous about imagery, especially the sets of her live shows. Preparing for a gig in Los Angeles, she discovered that a stage had been painted a radiant shade of white. "This isn't the freakin' ice capades!" she yelled at the crew. It was repainted.
誰的影響力可以高於美國脫口秀女主持人歐普拉(Oprah Gail Winfrey)?答案是即將在七月一日來台的女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)。
她今年二十五歲,比流行天后瑪丹娜以《宛如處女(like a virgin)》走紅時還少一歲,她如何快速竄紅?
去年生日時,她為自己下了註腳:「我為了工作而存在,不是我創造了名氣(fame),是名氣創造了我。」為名氣而活的女人,如雷射光般專注、倔強、絕不退縮,這股野心,讓她採取許多驚人之舉。首先,她決心擺脫富有乖乖女的形象與命運。出生在紐約曼哈頓區的義大利裔家庭,父親是網路創業家,住在擁有門房的高級住宅內,她四歲起學鋼琴,高中念一年學費約新台幣一百萬元的天主教聖心教會學校,希爾頓飯店集團第三代千金芭莉絲.希爾頓(Paris Hilton)亦畢業於該校。
美國《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)在今年六月初一篇報導中,推崇女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)是全球唯一能超越蘋果、Google的品牌行銷天才,她一人領導的「Lady Gaga Inc.」(編按:此乃比喻,非真實公司),在臉書( Facebook)上風靡三千九百萬歌迷。美國南卡羅來納大學今年春天史無前例開設「女神卡卡社會成名學」(Lady Gaga and the Sociology of the Fame),開課教授本身就是頭號粉絲。
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