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Apple CEO Steve Jobs resigns
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Apple CEO Steve Jobs has resignedand will be replaced by former Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook, the companysaid late Wednesday. Jobs will stay on as Apple's chairman.
Apple made no mention of Jobs' health in its statementabout the change, but Jobs alluded to it in the letterof resignation he sent to Apple's board on Wednesday and later releasedpublicly.
"I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meetmy duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know.Unfortunately, that day has come," wrote Jobs, who has been on medicalleave since January. Cook has been filling in as the company's leader. (Formore on Tim Cook, see Fortune's landmark profile: "TimCook: The genius behind Steve")
Apple's (AAPL,Fortune500) board took pains to praise Jobs, who led a historic turnaround for theonce-ailing company. Apple shares were briefly halted in after-hours trading asApple announced its leadership change. When trading resumed, sharesdropped 5%.
"Steve'sextraordinary vision and leadership saved Apple and guided it to its positionas the world's most innovative and valuable technology company," boardmember Art Levinson said. "In his new role as chairman of the board, Stevewill continue to serve Apple with his unique insights, creativity andinspiration."
Apple's fans flockedto Twitter and other social-media sites to mark and mourn the CEOtorch-passing. "The end of an era!" one Twitter user wrote, whileanother voiced the fears many share: "I pray it's not bc [because] of hishealth."
In January, Jobssaid he would take anothermedical leave of absence, two years after a six-month sabbatical duringwhich he receiveda liver transplant. Although it was his third medical leave of absence, hecontinued to make Apple's major strategic decisions while Cook took over theday-to-day operations.
Cook has nearly 30years of experience in the computer industry, serving in leadership roles atIBM (IBM,Fortune500), Intelligent Electronics and Compaq before joining Apple in 1998.
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