
站前英語|菁英站前校聽英文歌英語-流行天后瑪丹娜復出 美國超級盃獻唱 (Give Me All Your Luvin' Feat M.I.A. and Nicki Mibaj)



L-U-V Madonna
Y-O-U You wanna
I see you coming and I don't wanna know your name
L-U-V Madonna
I see you coming and you're gonna have to change the game
Y-O-U You wanna
Would you like to try?
Give me a reason why
Give me all that you got
Maybe you'll do fine
As long as you don't lie to me
And pretend to be what you're not

Don't play the stupid game
Cause I'm a different kind of girl
Every record sounds the same
You've got to step into my world
Give me all your love and give me your love
Give me all your love today
Give me all your love and give me your love
Let's forget about time
And dance our lives away

L-U-V Madonna
Y-O-U You wanna
Keep trying don't give up, it's if you want it bad enough
L-U-V Madonna
It's right in front of you, now tell me what you're thinking of
Y-O-U You wanna
In another place, at a different time
You can be my lucky star
We can drink some wine
Burgundy is fine
Let's drink the bottle every drop

Don't play the stupid game
Cause I'm a different kind of girl
Every record sounds the same
You've got to step into my world
Give me all your love and give me your love
Madonna Gimme All Your Luvin' lyrics found on

Give me all your love today
Give me all your love and give me your love
Let's forget about time
And dance our lives away

[Nicki Minaj]
Give me all your love boy
You can be my boy, you can be my boy toy
In the nick of time, I can say a sicker 1____

Cause it's time for change, like a nickel or a dime
I'm roman, i'm a barbarian, i'm
You was sleeping on me, you were dosin'
Now move, im goin' in conan

You have all the L-U-V
I gave you everything you need (now move!)
Now it's up to Y-O-U
Are you the one, shall we 2____?

Me it. Licks. I'm some swag sh-t
Glad, no one gave you this
It's super sonic,3___ , uranium hits
So I break him off tricks
Let's pay it with sticks
I'mma say this once, yeah, I don't give a sh-t

Don't play the stupid game
Cause I'm a different kind of girl
Every record sounds the same
You've got to step into my world

Give me all your love and give me your love
L-U-V Madonna
Give me all your love and give me your love
Y-O-U You wanna
Give me all your love and give me your love
Give me all your love today
Give me all your love and give me your love
Let's forget about time
And dance our lives away






1.   , 韻腳, 押韻[U]

Tennyson's work was mostly in rhyme. 但尼生的詩大都是押韻的。

2.   同韻語, 押韻詞[C][(+for/to)]

"House" is rhyme for "mouse". "house""mouse"的同韻字。

3.   押韻詩; 韻文[C]

Children like to read little rhymes. 小孩子喜歡讀一些輕鬆的詩歌。



1.   作押韻詩; 作詩

2.   押韻[(+with/to)]

"Long" rhymes with "song". "Long""song"押韻。

3.   (, 音樂)和諧


1.   用韻詩敘述(或歌頌)

2.   ...寫作詩; (押韻詩)

He rhymed out sonnets in her praise. 他寫成押韻的十四行詩歌頌她。

3.   使成韻[(+with)]

She rhymes "love" with "dove". 她將"love""dove"兩字押韻。

4.   使押韻

Blank verse is not rhymed. 無韻詩不押韻。

5.   以作詩來消磨(時間)[(+away)]

He would rhyme away the long evenings. 他常常以作詩消磨長夜。



(2) proceed


vi. 不及物動詞

1.   繼續進行; 繼續做(或講)下去[(+to/with)]

The old man took a drink from his cup and proceeded with his story.老人拿起杯子喝了一口, 繼續講他的故事。

2.   開始, 著手, 出發[+to-v]

After everyone was seated the chairman proceeded to announcehis plan. 大家就坐後, 主席開始宣佈他的計劃。

3.   進行, 開展

The project is proceeding as planned. 工程正在按計劃進行。

4.   發出, 出自[(+from)]

The whole trouble proceeded from a misunderstanding. 整個麻煩起於誤會。

5.   (沿特定路線)行進[Q]

He got off the bus and proceeded home on foot. 他下了汽車, 步行回家。

6.   起訴[(+against)]

The district attorney proceeded against the defaulting debtor. 地方檢查官起訴不履行債務的債務人

(3) bionic


a. 形容詞

1.   仿生學的

2.   生物功能被電子裝置增強了的; 利用仿生學增強生物功能的

3.   神通廣大的; 超群的






已超過兩年沒有公開演出的瑪丹娜,以超級盃中場秀為復出暖身。她穿著Givenchy打造羅馬戰神舞衣,以女王之姿在數百名武士簇擁下進入舞台,演唱冠軍曲Vogue拉開序幕。她在12分鐘的大秀裡,共演唱MusicOpen Your HeartLike A Prayer與新單曲Give Me All Your Luvin等五首歌曲。

數百名超級盃舞台工作人員,在比賽中場休息期間,在球場搭建長達數百公尺的LED巨型舞台,娜姐的演出搭配電音樂團LEMFO與黑人饒舌唱將妮琪米娜(Nicki Minaj)和M.I.A.,引起現場數萬名觀眾歡呼與尖叫。

娜姐還秀出八字腿、跨坐男子團體LMFAO肩上、翻筋斗、表演啦啦隊等,加上球場特地為觀眾準備小型手電筒,讓他們可以同樂,現場氣氛high到不行。最後娜姐在百人教會合唱團搭配下演唱Like A Prayer,隨後消失在舞台中央噴出的煙霧中,現場並展示「世界和平」(World Peace)大型字幕。

眾多粉絲欣賞表演後紛趕忙上推特推文大加讚許,甚至還有人認為,這是超級盃歷來最棒的表演之一。雖然有網友批評瑪姐部分動作跟女神卡卡的動作相類似,但多數網友仍持肯定態度,認為瑪丹娜的表演足以撼動全場,沒有令超級盃的現場觀眾失望。娛樂周刊評論家塔克爾(Ken Tucker)也同意這說法,稱瑪丹娜的表演「充滿歡樂、無可比擬,使出渾身解數她掌控全場,全力向觀眾展現精采表演。」




 瑪丹娜超級盃秀被踢爆假唱 | 海外星球 | 娛樂追星 | 聯合新聞網 
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