世界新聞專欄 時代雜誌百大人物 林書豪居首
Jeremy Lin's story is a great lesson for kids everywhere because it debunks and defangs so many of the prejudices and stereotypes that unfairly hold children back. He's dispelled the idea that Asian-American guards somehow couldn't hack it in the NBA — and that being a world-class athlete on the court is somehow at odds with being an excellent student off the court.
Contrary to what you might read, Jeremy, 23, is no overnight sensation. In fact, he achieved success the old-fashioned way: he earned it. He worked hard and stayed humble. He lives the right way; he plays the right way.
It's great to see good values rewarded in professional sports because that's not always the case. Often it's the bling, the glam, the individual that gets celebrated — not the team and working together to advance a goal bigger than oneself. Jeremy cares only about one thing — winning. And I don't care whether you are an Asian-American kid, white, black or Hispanic, Jeremy's story tells you that if you show grit, discipline and integrity, you too can get an opportunity to overcome the odds.
Duncan is the U.S. Secretary of Education
時代雜誌2012年全球百大人物(TIME 100)在開放網路觀眾票選階段,7日結束時,紐約尼克隊林書豪獲得8萬9691票,排名第9;但經過時代雜誌編輯加權結果,今天揭曉的最終版名單,確定林書豪名列百人之冠。
時代雜誌並已宣布,將於24日在紐約林肯中心爵士樂社(Jazz at Lincoln Center)舉行時代百大晚宴(TIME 100 Gala),預計將有約350人將出席這場盛會,來自世界各國的領導人、政商領袖,演藝人員和慈善家都將與會。
美國國務卿希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)並將上台發表主題演說,天后蕾哈娜和 R&B歌王 Raphael Saadiq也會上台表演。
除此之外,美國暢銷作家韓德勒(Chelsea Handler)、紐約州長古莫(Andrew Cuomo)、女星克萊兒丹妮絲(Claire Danes)和蒂妲史雲頓(Tilda Swinton)、電視主持人勞爾(Matt Lauer)、好萊塢製片溫斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)及紐約大主教杜蘭(Cardinal Dolan)也都會是座上貴賓。
http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2111975_2111976_2111945,00.html #ixzz1ti4f6lPE