站前 英文 | Goole資料庫曝光 台灣彰化資料中心2013登場
Google is proud to call Taiwan home to one of our data centers.
In September 2011, we announced that we had acquired 15 hectares of land in Changhua County, Taiwan, with plans to build a data center. We’re now busy building, and we plan to start limited testing and bringing the facility online by the second half of 2013.
Building this data center in Taiwan is an exciting step for us. More new Internet users are coming online everyday here in Asia than anywhere else in the world. They are looking for information and entertainment, new business opportunities and better ways to connect with friends and family near and far. We’re building this data center to make sure that our users in Taiwan and across Asia can do just that, with the fastest and most reliable access possible to all of Google’s services.
We are also really excited about the facility itself, where our long-term investment will exceed USD 300 million. This data center will be the first in our fleet to save energy through a nighttime cooling and thermal energy storage system. And, like our other facilities in Asia, this will be one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly data centers in the region, built to the same high standard we use around the world. When fully operational, it will also provide jobs for around 25 full time Googlers along with a number of part and full time contractors, in a variety of roles including computer technicians, electrical and mechanical engineers and catering and security staff.
We’re eager to share more information with you about what we’re doing in the area. On this site, you’ll find:
Community outreach - Ways we're giving back to the local community
Jobs - Job opportunities
FAQs - Frequently asked questions about Google and our data centers
Contact us - How to get in touch with questions or suggestions
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