站前 英文|美國好萊塢明星 反槍枝廣告Demand a Plan
Many celebrities have spoken out about gun control. Some of the biggest names in Hollywood have even stepped up and offered to use their fame to change the current gun laws. Jennifer Aniston, Jamie Foxx, Will Ferrell, Beyonce, Chris Rock, Steve Carrell, Ellen Degeneres, and others have appeared in a video called “Demand A Plan.”
While it is perfectly acceptable for famous folks to trade on their celebrity status to promote causes they deem to be important, it has also been noted that many of the people in the video have earned fortunes by appearing in movies and TV shows that promote guns and gun violence.
A new video is quick to point out this hypocrisy. The alternative campaign called “Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go **** Themselves!” has surfaced on the web. It uses a combination of clips from the actual “Demand A Plan” video and intercuts it with violent scenes from virtually every single star in the PSA.
For the record, the “Demand A Plan” campaign is an effort from “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” and the San Francisco-based Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Both group’s websites host the 1:22 video calling for American citizens to contact their elected officials and demand action on gun laws.
From Demand A Plan’s website, here are their three specific requests regarding gun laws:
Require a criminal background check for every gun sold in America
Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
Make gun trafficking a federal crime, including real penalties for “straw purchasers”
It should be noted that every state in the union requires a criminal background check when a licensed firearms dealer sells a gun, any gun. The first item on the list seems tied to a push requiring background checks on private gun sales and those made at gun shows.
美國桑迪胡克小學槍擊慘案後,槍枝管制呼聲大起,反槍團體製作「要求一個方案」短片上網,邀來卡麥蓉狄亞(Cameron Diaz)、傑瑞米雷納(Jeremy Renner)等好萊塢明星說出禁槍訴求;不過另一支諷刺短片隨即也上網,剪輯這些藝人在動作片中開槍畫面,痛斥明星拿槍賺片酬、反槍搏形象,全是偽君子!
這支「要求一個方案」(Demand a Plan)短片,上月21日上傳YouTube,至昨天有近640萬人次點閱,由傑米福克斯(Jamie Foxx)領頭說出「科倫拜」,指1999年科倫拜高中15死槍擊慘案,接著明星一人一句,細數近年槍擊案,最後呼籲「要求一個方案、就是現在」。
不料上月25日YouTube出現了一個針對這些好萊塢A咖的諷刺短片「要求一個方案──叫名人去死」,短片找出露臉反槍的明星過去電影的開槍畫面,包括傑米福克斯、珍妮佛嘉納(Jennifer Garner)的《反恐戰場》、卡麥蓉狄亞的《騎士出任務》、葛妮絲派特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)的《超完美謀殺案》、傑瑞米雷納的《竊盜城》等。網友痛罵:「一票偽君子!如果他們強烈反槍,為什麼接演持槍、暴力的電影角色?」
「要求一個方案」由「市長反違法槍枝」團體發起,包括紐約市長彭博(Michael Bloomberg)等800名美國市長組成,要求槍枝買賣者須經背景調查、禁高容量彈匣、將走私槍枝列為聯邦罪刑等。