It's being called "the most beautiful, haunting infomercial you'll ever see."
And with Oscar-ready animation from the acclaimed visual effects wizards at MOONBOT Studios set over a score of Fiona Apple covering "Pure Imagination" from the 1971 cult children's film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, is it any wonder that Chipotle's "stealth" promo for a free iOS game is already on a fast-track to become one of this year's most successful marketing campaigns — all without barely mentioning the word "Chipotle."
Add to that a powerful anti-factory-farming message, and all other ads should just give up:
In a dystopian fantasy world, all food production is controlled by fictional industrial giant Crow Foods. Scarecrows have been displaced from their traditional role of protecting food, and are now servants to the crows and their evil plans to dominate the food system. Dreaming of something better, a lone scarecrow sets out to provide an alternative to the unsustainable processed food from the factory.
Already America's favorite "Mexican restaurant chain," Chipotle has shied away from running ads on TV, believing its target audience — Millennials — "are skeptical of brands that perpetuate themselves."
Since parting ways with its former majority owner McDonald's, Chipotle has tried even harder to live up to its mission statement of "food with integrity."
Back in July, for example, the company announced plans to become the first US restaurant chain to strip its menu items of all genetically engineered ingredients.
Chipotle has high hopes that The Scarecrow will officially cement its status as a fast food chain with a brain.
Unity新遊戲推薦~~《The Scarecrow》
超級異業結合: Chipotle良心墨西哥餐廳+奧斯卡最佳動畫短片奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎得主Moonbot Studios聯手合作 推出的iOS Game《The Scarecrow》
利用Unity易上手與跨平台優勢 一起作出高水準3D遊戲
守衛食品安全的稻草人 要如何對抗包山包海的食品工業呢?
《The Scarecrow》代表了非常有社會意識的Chipotle跟Moonbot
利用遊戲喚醒公民運動的企圖 對抗黑心企業 玩遊戲救社會!