站前學英語 | 菁英站前校世界新聞 直擊【賽德克.巴萊】威尼斯影展發光
Taiwan's first epic feature Seediq Bale hasbeen nominated for the Golden Lion award at this year's Venice Film Festival.
The film, about a violent anti-Japaneseuprising in Taiwan in 1930, was listed Thursday among 21 others that will viefor the top prize at the oldest film festival in the world.
Director Wei Te-sheng told reporters he wasexcited and overwhelmed. "When I learned we had been nominated, I wasreally happy and was like, 'Is it true?' Later I was like, 'What should I dothen?' and I began to get nervous about how to deal with what's comingnext," he said.
The movie is based on the Wushe Incident,an uprising that was led by Mona Rudao of the aboriginal Sediq tribe againstJapanese military forces during the period of colonization. "I hope theworld will get to know Taiwan's history better through the film," Weisaid.
The 41-year-old director rose to fame in2008 with his debut feature Cape No.7, which recorded the second highest boxoffice takings in Taiwan's movie history.
After the success of Cape No. 7, Wei turnedto his historical epic -- a massive undertaking by Taiwan standards. The filmhad a budget of NT$700 million (US$24.29 million), a cast of 15,000 and aproduction crew of 400 drawn from Taiwan, Japan and South Korea.
In the ten months that it took to shoot,"every day was like a battle and the whole crew was under greatstress," according to Wei.
He said the Golden Lion nomination willbring more pressure but is a great honor. "It's just wonderful thatinternational film critics and the media will see the story and learn about thebeliefs, history and pride of Taiwan," he said.
It is the third time in recent years that afilm by a Taiwanese director has been nominated for a Golden Lion award. It followsAng Lee's Lust, Caution in 2007 and Lee Kang-sheng's Help Me Eros in 2008.
Wei Te-sheng 魏德聖
Seediq Bale 賽德克.巴萊
Wushe Incident 霧社事件
Ang Lee 李安
Lust, Caution 色‧戒
Lee Kang-sheng 李康生
Help Me Eros 幫幫我愛神
台灣英雄史詩鉅片【賽德克.巴萊】,上集太陽旗 9月9日上映、下集彩虹橋 9月30日上映。在險惡的日據時代,賽德克族被迫失去自己的文化信仰,男人須服勞役不得狩獵、女人幫傭不能編織彩衣,驍勇善戰的英雄莫那魯道,見證三十年來的壓迫統治。因一場誤會種下日警和賽德克族的緊張關係,自此族人便活在恐遭日警報復的陰霾中,忍辱負重的莫那魯道在深思後,雖知將面臨滅族危機,但他明白唯有挺身為民族尊嚴反擊,才能成為真正的賽德克人,於是決心帶領族人循著祖靈之訓示,奪回屬於他們的獵場…。【賽德克.巴萊】官網:http://www.SeediqBaletheMovie.com