站前學英文 | 菁英站前校 全球第70億人口誕生 BBC網站測試你是第幾順位出生的地球人

輸入生日 算全球第幾人 全球人口突破70億大關,英國廣播公司(BBC)以聯合國人口署與聯合國人口基金會提供的預估值為基礎,配合「全球足跡網路」(Global Footprint Network)等的資料,設立一個網頁,網友只要輸入自己的出生年月日,就可計算出自己是全球第幾個人,還可以知道自己是人類有史以來的第幾個人。


Step1. 輸入你的出生年月日(日/月/西元年)


Step2. 輸入你的出生國家,站前小編輸入Tawian、China-Taipei皆為無效資料;深入了解後,礙於BBC網站是根據聯合國人口統計測量,台灣尚未成為聯合國會員,十分可惜。


Step3. 輸入你的性別即可


Step4. 一份個人出生報告書出爐


70億人口大特徵 ◎中國人口佔全球19%










The world at seven billion



As the world population reaches seven billion people, the BBC's Mike Gallagher asks whether efforts to control population have been, as some critics claim, a form of authoritarian control over the world's poorest citizens.

The temperature is some 30C. The humidity stifling, the noise unbearable. In a yard between two enormous tea-drying sheds, a number of dark-skinned women patiently sit, each accompanied by an unwieldy looking cloth sack. They are clad in colourful saris, but look tired and shabby. This is hardly surprising - they have spent most of the day in nearby plantation fields, picking tea that will net them around two cents a kilo - barely enough to feed their large families.

Vivek Baid thinks he knows how to help them. He runs the Mission for Population Control, a project in eastern India which aims to bring down high birth rates by encouraging local women to get sterilised after their second child.

As the world reaches an estimated seven billion people, people like Vivek say efforts to bring down the world's population must continue if life on Earth is to be sustainable, and if poverty and even mass starvation are to be avoided.

There is no doubting their good intentions. Vivek, for instance, has spent his own money on the project, and is passionate about creating a brighter future for India.

But critics allege that campaigners like Vivek - a successful and wealthy male businessman - have tended to live very different lives from those they seek to help, who are mainly poor women.

These critics argue that rich people have imposed population control on the poor for decades. And, they say, such coercive attempts to control the world's population often backfired and were sometimes harmful.


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