OneRepublic "Feel Again"官方音樂錄影帶

OneRepublic "Feel Again"現場演出in the Studio for SiriusXM Hits1

  站前 英文 | 共和世代樂團Onerepublic 心靈搖滾重生"Feel Again"





Onerepublic - Feel Again


It's been a long time coming since I've seen your face
I've been everywhere and back trying to 1___ everything that I've had till my feet went numb
Praying like a fool that's been on the run
Heart still beating but it's not working
It's like a 2___ dollar phone that you just can't ring
I reach out trying to love but I feel nothing
Yeah, my heart is numb


But with you
I feel again
Yeah with you
I can feel again


Woo-hoo (x4)

I'm feeling better since you know me
I was a lonely soul but that's the old me

It's been a long time coming since I've seen your face
And I've never went back trying to replace everything that I broke till my feet went 3___
Praying like a fool that just shot a gun
Heart still beating but it's not working
It's like a hundred thousand voices that just can't sing
I reach out trying to love but I feel nothing
Oh my heart is numb

But with you
I feel again
And with you
I can feel again

But with you
(I'm feeling better since you know me)
I feel again
(I was a lonely soul but that's the old me)
Yeah with you
(I'm feeling better since you know me)
I can feel again
(I was a lonely soul)


Woo-hooo (x4)

(I'm feeling better since you know me)
(I was a lonely soul, but that's the old me)
(I'm feeling better since you know me)
(I was a lonely soul, but that's the old me)
(I'm feeling better since you know me)
(I was a lonely soul, but that's the old me)

I'm feeling better since you know me

I was a 4___ soul but that's the old me
A little 5___ now but you show me
Yeah, I feel again
Feel again..



1.replace 2.million 3.numb 4.lonely 5.wiser









related expression
online resource
vt. 及物動詞
She replaced the receiver. 她將聽筒放了回去。
取代; 以...代替[(+with/by)]
The brakes have to be replaced. 煞車需要更換。
Electric lights have replaced candles. 電燈已經取代了蠟燭。
歸還; 償還
I will replace the cup I broke. 我願用一個新杯子賠還我打碎的一隻。





related expression
online resource
n. 名詞 [C]
百萬; 百萬元(鎊, 美元, 法郎等)
He has millions of books. 他有許多許多書。
大眾[the S]
She often listens to music for the million. 她常聽大眾音樂。
a. 形容詞
There are five million permanent residents in the city. 這個城市有五百萬常住居民。
數百萬的, 無數的




a. 形容詞
失去感覺的, 麻木的[(+with)]
My fingers were numb with cold. 我的手指凍僵了。
驚呆的, 發愣的
vt. 及物動詞
使失去感覺, 使麻木
使驚呆, 使發愣
He was numbed by his wife's sudden death. 妻子的突然去世使他驚呆了。





related expression
online resource
a. 形容詞
孤獨的, 單獨的
When his wife died, he was very lonely. 太太死後他非常孤獨。
寂寞的, 孤寂的
He felt almost intolerably lonely. 他感到幾乎難以忍受的寂寞。
偏僻的, 人跡罕至的
a lonely mountain village 荒涼的山村




related expression
online resource
a. 形容詞
有智慧的; 聰明的
The wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual. 三個臭皮匠, 賽過諸葛亮。
英明的; 明智的[+to-v]
You are wise not to join the club. 你不加入俱樂部是明智的。
博學的, 有見識的





OneRepublic are back! The Ryan Tedder-led band release the track "Feel Again" as the first single from their third studio album due out in stores in 2012 via Interscope Records! The song "Feel Again", which OneRepublic confirmed as 'lead single' via Twitter, is an upbeat gospel-ish number with a lot of clapping. Not your 'instant' first single, nor it is very radio-friendly, but it could turn out to be a grower. "Feel Again" feels a lil' The Killers and Coldplay.

"Feel Again" by OneRepublic is currently (week 43, 2012) in the HOT100 Billboard charts at position 59. Feel Again lyrics by Onerepublic.




萊恩在為人成功作嫁的同時,由他所領軍的共和世代樂團也打出響亮的名號;2007年重回提姆巴蘭旗下,推出《Apologize抱歉》打破美國電台歷史紀錄、更創全球歐洲、亞洲、澳洲、北美等排行冠軍。眾多的驚人創作,讓英美樂評盛讚:『繼Keane基音、Coldplay酷玩、Maroon 5魔力紅之後,「OneRepublic共和世代」將是搖滾迷唯一選擇』。對萊恩而言,九年的磨練終於獲得了肯定,專輯【Dreaming Out Loud勇敢夢】是總結也是開端。











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