站前 英文| 重返嬉皮年代 披頭四Paul McCartney "Too Many People"

Paul McCartney - Ram - Front  




Too Many 1___ For A Piece Of Cake
Too Many People 2___ And Pushed Around
Too Many Waiting For That Lucky Break
That Was Your First Mistake
You Took Your Lucky Break And Broke It In Two
Now What Can Be Done For You
You Broke It In Two

Too Many People Sharing party lines
Too Many People Never Sleeping Late
Too Many People Paying Parking Fines
Too Many Hungry People Losing Weight

That Was Your First Mistake
You Took Your Lucky Break And Broke It In Two
Now What Can Be Done For You
You Broke It In Two

Too Many People 3____ Practices
Don't Let Them Tell You What You Wanna Be
Too Many People Holding Back, This Is
Crazy And Maybe It's Not Like Me

That Was Your Last Mistake
I Find My Love Awake And Waiting To Be
Now What Can Be Done For You
She's Waiting For Me






1.Reachingv    2.Pulled     3.Preaching








vt. 及物動詞
抵達, 到達; 達到
When will they reach Los Angeles? 他們什麼時候抵達洛杉磯?
伸出(手); 伸手及到, 夠到
He reached his hand out for the book I offered him. 他伸出手來接我給他的書。
延伸到; (聲音)傳到[W]
We tried to reach them by cable. 我們試著用電報跟他們聯絡。
(砲火)射及; 擊中
vi. 不及物動詞
She reached up and picked a pear off a branch. 她抬起手從一根枝上摘下一顆梨。
達到, 及到; 延伸[W]
The speaker's voice couldn't reach to the back of the auditorium. 演講人的聲音禮堂後排聽不見。
伸手去拿, 伸肢體去取[Q][(+for)]
努力爭取; 竭力想得到[Q]
n. 名詞
The insecticide was put out of the child's reach. 殺蟲劑放在孩子拿不到的地方。
(江、河的)一段流域; 地帶; 大片地區[C]
the upper reaches of the river 河的上游地區





vt. 及物動詞
拉, 拖, 牽, 拽; 搬走
She pulled his sleeve to get his attention. 她拉他的袖子以引起他的注意。
拔; 採, 摘; 揪下; 拉開; 扯破[(+out/up)]
A tiger can pull a roebuck to pieces in a matter of minutes. 一隻老虎可以在幾分鐘內把一隻雄鹿撕碎。
Why did you pull up these plants? 你為何把這些植物拔起來?
拉傷, 扭傷
吸引; 招徠; 獲得
The basketball game pulled a great crowd. 這場籃球賽吸引了一大群人。
【美】【口】幹(勾當); 犯(罪); 做成
Don't try to pull anything. 別想耍什麼花招。
(為避免獲勝而)控(馬)慢跑; 控(拳)輕擊
引誘(人)性交; 性交
vi. 不及物動詞
拉, 拖, 牽; 拔, 摘
(能)被拉(或拖, 拔)動[Q]
The door pulled open. 門拉開了。
(車)行駛; (船)划動[Q]
The boat pulled toward the islet. 船向小島划去。
大口喝; 深吸[(+at)]
n. 名詞
拉, 拖[C]
He gave a strong pull at the rope. 他用力拉了拉繩子。
拉力; 引力; 魅力[S]
The moon's pull affects the tides on earth. 月亮的引力影響地球上的潮汐。
(常用在複合詞中)把手, 把柄[C]
一口(酒); (吸)一口(煙)[C][(+at)]
影響力; 門路; 有利條件[S][U]
He got the job mainly because his uncle had lots of pull with the president. 他得到這份工作主要因為他叔父與總裁關係很好。





vt. 及物動詞
【宗】佈道; 講(道)[+that]
He devoted his life to preaching the word of God. 他一生致力於傳播上帝的聲音。
鼓吹; 反復灌輸
They preach peace. 他們鼓吹和平。
vi. 不及物動詞
講道; 說教[(+to/about)]
The chaplain came and preached to a packed church. 牧師來給擠滿教堂的人們講道。
鼓吹, 宣揚
Don't preach to me. 別對我說教。
n. 名詞
講道; 說教; 訓誡





Often Ram is spoken of as being Macca’s angry album and certainly there’s a pleasing crispy edge to the material, suggesting that punk was indeed a long time coming (even if, as with Lennon’s “Imagine”, it’s somewhat difficult to accept the otherwise universal emotion of anger from a rich man). It’s also talked of as a home-made album. Often plugging straight into the back of the mixing desk, Paul was less concerned with the smoke and backwards mirror effects of the Beatles Abbey Road exile years. All of which are fair approximations of what went into making Ram. but not the whole picture.

Check out “Too Many People”, the opening track on the newly re-released and re-mastered album and, if you listen in on headphones, the big treat will be the collage-like cut and paste of the finished soundscape. Given how so much of our music is processed to within an inch of implosion these days—even supposedly raw and acoustic, back to basic affairs—there’s an education to be had from listening to how McCartney arranged his channels and elements in 1971.






作為披頭士的成員和創作核心,保羅·麥卡特尼堪稱作曲天才。曾有人評價說是保羅創作旋律的能力和約翰·列儂(John Lennon)的思想造就了披頭士的經典。在披頭士樂隊期間,保羅共參與創作了49首後來在排行榜中名列前十位的歌曲。而後來保羅單飛之後又參與創作了50多首打入排行榜前十名的暢銷歌曲。









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