Menswear Dog' blog turns Shiba Inu into viral style icon
The latest New Yorker to make a splash on the style scene is (drumroll please) ... a Shiba Inu.
The dapper dog is taking the Internet by storm this week, thanks to a snazzy new Tumblr called Menswear Dog, which features the pet in a variety of preppy (human) outfits, from blazers and ties to cardigans and collared shirts.
"Honestly, Menswear Dog was a result of idle hands, a lazy Saturday afternoon, and having a whimsically handsome Shiba," the dog's owner and blog co-creator Dave Fung told of the week-old project. "We originally did it as a joke and posted a photo to Facebook for laughs, but quickly realized that we may have stumbled onto something strangely absurd and special."
So far the dog, whose real name is Bodhi (named after Patrick Swayze's character in "Point Break") is donning Fung's clothes, but he may soon develop his own style — inspired by Ryan Gosling, among others.
"Menswear Dog's style motto is to 'do you,'" Fung said of the secrets to the dog's fashion choices. "If you feel stupid, you're going to look stupid... It also helps to be a Shiba Inu, because that automatically makes you 50 percent more dapper."
Fung created the blog with 26-year-old womenswear designer Yena Kim, but they're happy to cede the spotlight to their pet. "Too often, fashion blogging is a vanity game and we don't want this to be about us," Fung said. "It's a dog wearing fly clothes. End of story."
And so far, Fung says the viral fame around the blog hasn't gone to Bodhi's head. "He's always been a bit of a diva, so nothing's really changed."
While the blog only features four looks so far, the overwhelming response has encouraged Fung and Kim to continue the project, which they say is far less less glamorous than it looks.
"It doesn't take very long to shoot a look but the behind-the-scenes is awkward at best," Fung said. "There are a lot of limbs flying around and propping him up with all sorts of clips in the back of his clothes, but amid all the shuffling, you get this window of magic."
Bodhi is bundled up for now, but come summertime fans can expect to seem him sporting some more accessories and "streetwear swag."
"First and foremost, the goal of this — and always has been — is to make people smile," Fung said. "Outside of that, if Menswear Dog starts to become a voice within the fashion community, all the better. As long as people still like what we're doing and keep supporting this absurd site, we'll keep posting."
And dog lovers can rest assured that the Shiba is enjoying his style adventures. "He loves the attention," Fung said, "and the treats."
《男裝柴犬狗》(Menswear Dog)菩提 Bodhi 是隻品味超群的狗兒~穿在他身上的衣服,都搭配的十分完美,而且混搭了高價到平價的品牌,可以紳士、可以休閒,有時還有點雅痞,而且拍出來的照片也都超有型的!
《男裝柴犬狗》菩提 Bodhi 的這個「Menswear Dog」部落格,其實是他 28 歲的平面設計師主人 David Fung 跟他 26 歲從事時裝設計師的女朋友 Yena Kim 一起創建的,因為他們兩人本身就很喜歡這些時尚流行的資訊,在一次好玩而將家中的菩提 Bodhi 給當成了 MODEL 好好打扮了一番,拍照後上傳到 Facebook ,沒想到引起了廣大的迴響!所以打算認真的經營這個《男裝柴犬狗》部落格下去!
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