OopsTT: Taiwan news media erroneously reports on the death of the Queen of England
Margaret Thatcher served the UK as prime minister from 1979 until 1990, and holds the title as England's
longest serving politician, and nicknamed the "Iron Lady" because of her uncompromising politics and leadership style. As prime minister, she implemented conservative policies that have come to be known as Thatcherism.
While we at TweakTown are sad to hear of Baroness Thatcher's passing, we are happy to report that the Queen is doing just fine. In general I hold all media sources to the highest standards and as a journalist myself, I fact check everything I post before hitting that submit button.
What has Taiwan news media been smoking this morning?
UPDATE: To be clear, there was some confusion to the translation of the headline. Some are stating the Chinese wording translates to "Queen" and others "Prime Minister". The fact remain for sure that the image used is of the Queen of England, and not Margaret Thatcher.
UPDATE #2: As you can see below, more pictures are being posted to Facebook.
中天瞎把英女王當柴契爾 國際媒體奚落丟臉到國外
英國前首相「鐵娘子」柴契爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher)前天逝世,享壽87歲,不過台灣中天新聞前晚8點的新聞即時報導,畫面卻誤植為英女王伊莉莎白二世,引來各界撻伐。包括英國《每日郵報》、《鏡報》、美聯社嘲諷,日本雅虎也刊載報導,一向報導資訊科技新聞為主的知名網站「Tweaktown.com」也奚落一番:「我們很開心地向各位報告,英女王仍舊健在!」中天可說是丟臉丟到國際。
中天事後緊接更正,但畫面又出現奧斯卡影后梅莉史翠普主演的《鐵娘子:堅固柔情》電影畫面,引發批評,中天網站則出面澄清,該新聞有說明影像出自電影,並非誤植,不過仍有網友說:「柴契爾夫人的原始影像與紀錄片何其多,為何要放電影片段來當新聞?」無獨有偶,泰國「Channel 5」電視台昨也誤用梅莉在《鐵》片劇照。