In India Holi announces the arrival of spring and the passing of winter. It is a festival that breathes an atmosphere of social merriment. People bury their hatchets with a warm embrace and throw their worries to the wind. Every nook and corner presents a typically colorful sight. Young and old alike are covered with colors (red, green, yellow, blue, black and silver). People in small groups are seen singing, dancing and throwing colors on each other. Colors are thrown every 2 hours.
There will be musical interludes, the lighting of a bonfire, burning of an effigy, and the throwing of dry colors on friends and foe alike. The dry powders supplied by the temple are non stain, but still guests are cautioned not to wear their "Saturday Best."
Take Spanish Fork exit 257 and look for parking signs. Shuttles buses will run from parking areas at Spanish Fork Fair Grounds, SF Sport Complex, and Salem Hills High School. There is a $2 fee to ride the shuttle.
The Holi festival commemorates the victory of good over evil, brought about by the burning and destruction of the demoness named Holika. This was enabled through unwavering devotion to the Hindu god of preservation, Lord Vishnu.
Holi got its name as the "Festival of Colors" from Lord Krishna, a reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, who liked to play pranks on the village girls by drenching them in water and colors.
The festival marks the end of winter and the abundance of the upcoming spring harvest season.
When is Holi Celebrated:
The day after the full moon in March each year. In 2013, Holi will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 27. It will happen a day earlier in parts of eastern India, such as West Bengal.
色彩節(Holi Festival)是印度三大節慶之一,在每年3月前後的月圓之日舉行。這天,眼前世界呈現一片瘋狂的七彩絢麗,人們是彩色的,街道是彩色的,甚至連恆河的水都是彩色的,人人互相擁抱、跳舞慶祝,並高喊:「Happy Holi!」
色彩節(Holi Festival)代表著色彩單調的冬天已經結束,隨之而來是春暖花開的春天。這天當地人播放著印度傳統音樂,忘情地唱歌跳舞,不管大人小孩,全都走上街頭,將彩色粉末,點抹在對方額頭以示祝福,更多人是直接抓起粉末互相噴灑「攻擊」,從頭到腳無所不塗,所到之處皆是不可思議的繽紛世界,連空氣裡都懸浮著彩色粉末,頑皮的孩子們甚至還加水調合,以水桶、水球或水槍「掃射」每一個遇見的人。