
CNN 列舉全球9種具爭議性的食材,台灣人愛吃的海豚也入選 

 9 of the world's most controversial foods



1. Ortolan (France) 圃鵐 (法國)



The ortolan is a songbird found throughout Europe.

In France, home to one of the largest populations, it's a delicacy traditionally consumed beneath a napkin, because it's eaten whole, the entire creature devoured in one mouthfulPoachers illegally kill thousands every year and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimates that the species has declined by 30% over the past decade.





Delicacy (n.) 美味,佳餚

Snails are considered a delicacy in France.


Napkin (n.) 餐巾

Devour (v.) 狼吞虎嚥地吃,吃光

The hungry boy devoured his dinner.


Mouthful (n.) 一口;少量 + of

I took only a mouthful of food and then left.


Poacher (n.) 偷獵者



2. Shark fin (China) 魚翅 (中國)


"One quarter of species of shark are at risk of extinction and demand for fins is a substantial component of this threat," says Professor Michael McCarthy, a conservationist at the University of Melbourne.

You're mostly likely to come across shark fin soup in China, where the expensive dish is traditionally served at weddings, or to welcome guests and to show respect at other formal occasions.

In Asia, consumption of shark fins and meat is legal, and Taiwan is the only Asian country to ban the controversial practice of finning, which involves removing the shark's fin and discarding the rest of the carcass at sea.

Recently some airlines and hotels in Hong Kong removed shark fin from their menus in response to the controversy and China banned the serving of shark fin at official government banquets.




Fin (n.)

Substantial (adj.) 有價值的,重要的

Carcass (n.)(動物的)屍體



3. Pangolin (China) 穿山甲 (中國)


If you're keen to impress friends with tales of exotic foods the pangolin might tick the box, but increased demand has wreaked havoc for the creature, despite its unappetizing appearance. You're most likely to find a plateful of pangolin in China, where it's now illegal to hunt the animal.

The pangolins' secretive, solitary and nocturnal habits have made it hard to estimate numbers, although records point to a sharp decrease.




Pangolin (n.) 鯪鯉(俗名穿山甲)

Tick (v.) 劃記,打勾

Wreak (v.) 造成(破壞等)

Havoc (n.) 浩劫

Unappetizing (adj.) 引不起興趣的

Nocturnal (adj.) 夜間活動的



4. Chinese giant salamander (China) 中國大鯢


Chinese giant salamanders are the largest species of amphibian and live in lakes and rivers in southern China. Over the past 30 years, over-harvesting for the food trade -- they sell for $1,000 a piece -- has seen an 80% decline in numbers, and it's now classed as critically endangered by the IUCN.




Amphibian (n.) 兩棲動物



5. Dolphin (Japan, Taiwan) 海豚 (日本、台灣)



In Taiwan, the catching, selling and consumption of dolphin meat was banned in 1989. Despite this, 1,000 dolphins are caught illegally there every year and dolphin fishcakes are often sold openly at street food stalls, especially in Western Taiwan.






6. Green sea turtle (Cayman Islands) 綠蠵龜 (英屬開曼群島)



7. Western long-beaked echidna (Papua New Guinea) 西方長吻針鼴 (巴布亞紐幾內亞)



8. Mountain chicken/giant ditch frog (Dominica, Montserrat) 巨溝蛙 (多明尼加,蒙塞拉特)



9. Gorilla (Republic of the Congo) 大猩猩 (剛果共和國)










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