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Kony 2012 is a Social Media Case Study For the Masses
March 6th, 2012, social media addicts and meme creators got their new explosion of fodder for their various channels of expression. After millions of Youtube views and a bombardment of tweets coming in at a speed even Justin Bieber could not match, Joseph Kony became an internet sensation, for all the wrong reasons.
What is Kony 2012 all about?
In case you are late to the party, Kony 2012 is a campaign launched by a non-profit organization called, Invisible Children. Invisible Children describes themselves as,
We are storytellers, activists and everyday people who use the power of media to inspire young people to help end the longest running armed conflict in Africa. We make documentaries, tour them around the world, and lobby our nation’s leaders to make ending this conflict a priority.
But we don’t stop there. Our development professionals from Central Africa partner with local communities to implement and maintain education programs and economic initiatives in the war affected region. Recovering communities require stability when it comes to education and economic initiatives, but the ever-changing conflict demands innovative solutions and quick mobilization. Our initiatiatives attempt to meet the region’s need for both stability and flexibility.
Their mission is to see Joseph Kony, a Ugandian warlord who has forecefully recruited over 30,000 children to fight in his Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).
The campaign is designed to make Kony “famous,” so in hopes the uproar would cause America to lead a charge in capturing Kony and holding him responsible for the war crimes he has committed. The charge is led primarily through social media with a plea to raise money to build awareness of the issue, provide care for children who have been kidnapped by the LRA, and educating them in a safe environment.
How has social media benefited this campaign?
From celebrities supporting the campaign through their tweets to Youtube and Vimeo videos rising to the tens of millions of view in less than a day, social media has propelled Joseph Kony into national and international spotlight and causing people to talk.
烏干達共和國的反政府游擊隊「Lord’s Resistance Army」(神之反抗軍)首領Kony Joseph,因為違反人道而遭到國際刑事法庭的通緝。非營利組織「Invisible Children」在影像作家Jason Russell的企劃下,製作了一支名為《KONY 2012》的宣傳影片,對美國的政治家施壓,希望能盡快將他繩之以法。這段近30分鐘的影片,只公開10天,便已在Youtube等網站被點閱了超過7800萬次。
Kony所率領的反政府組織「Lord’s Resistance Army」於1993年組成,長期以來不斷與烏干達國民所組織的國民抵抗軍NRA爭鬥,犯下多種種違反人權的惡行;據說遭他綁架的兒童超過3萬人(另有一說為6萬人);他逼迫男童加入軍隊,將女童當作性奴隸。除此之外,他所犯下的殺人、攻擊、搶劫、強姦等罪行,更是不計其數。根據國際刑事法庭在2005年公佈的通緝令,Kony的罪狀已多達33項,其中包括違反人權與戰爭犯罪等罪名。
看過《KONY 2012》這部影片後,相信任誰都能清楚瞭解Kony的「罪行」有多麼重大,甚至會覺得如果只是坐視不管,都是一件違反人道的事。製作這部影片的非營利組織「Invisible Children」,長期積極地在華盛頓進行各種陳情活動,迫使歐巴馬政權不得不有所作為。在他們的努力下,歐巴馬政權終於在2010年通過決議,決定以逮捕Kony的「觀察者」的身份,派遣軍隊進駐烏干達。2012年,他們希望能夠透過同樣的模式,讓全球的目光集中在Kony身上,以達到確實逮捕Kony的目的。
這部宣傳影片之所以能引起如此大的迴響,其原因之一,就是因為該影片巧妙地帶入了多位全球知名人士,包括蕾哈娜、小賈斯汀、歐普拉、安潔莉娜裘莉、波諾、喬治克隆尼、馬克·祖克柏等人。當宣傳影片一被上傳至網路,這些名人便透過SNS,呼籲他們的追蹤者一起支持這個活動;於是在轉瞬間,這部影片便在年輕網友之間廣泛地流傳開來。此外,影片裡也強調著呼籲人們捐款給NPO,或是以30美元購買名為「ACTION KIT」的手環、海報等活動週邊商品,宣揚「攜手打造一個更美好的世界」訊息。他們認為,透過社群媒體,確實可以集結一般社會大眾的聲音,將世界變得更美好。「We Are Shaping Human History」,他們如是說。