Beautiful girls all over the world.
I could be chasing but my time will be wasted.
They got nothin' on you baby.
Nothin' on you baby.
They might say hi and I might say hey.
But you shouldn't worry about what they say.
Coz they got nothin' on you baby.
Nothin' on you baby.
## Revised By Airto ##
I know you feel where I'm coming from.
So baby regardless of the things in my past everything I've done.
Cause you and I know it was just for fun,
I was on the carrousel I just spun around.
With no direction, no intentions. It all ended.
It's so much nonsense, it's on my conscience
I'm thinking "maybe I should get it out"
And I don't wanna sound redundant
But I was wondering, if there was something that you wanna know
But never mind that, we should let it go
Coz we don't wanna be a T.V. episode
And all the bad thoughts, just let em go, go, go
Repeat *
[菁英站前發燒話題] 越洋美聲阿福 登Google關鍵字搜尋
美國搜尋網站Google敲入”nothing on you cover”就會跑出阿福歌曲載點與影片分享,翻唱美國流行歌手B.O.B單曲網路點閱率突破1200萬的親柔歌聲來自素人歌手「阿福」(本名鄧福如)。連葛萊美最佳流行女歌手梅西葛蕾及英國美聲天王羅素華生來台開唱,都試圖打探合作可能性,美聲倍受矚目。
新專輯「原來如此」阿福將以全新都市節奏(Urban beat)征服樂迷,上周在博客來網路預購短短一天就衝上冠軍,限量兩千五百張被一掃而空,暴紅氣勢延續攻占本周排行榜單。
自Web2.0時代以降,透過網路將許多來自各地的素人歌手推向世界舞台,以台灣為例,星光大道的林育群藉由youtube轉載驚豔整個歐美地區,受網友封為男版「蘇珊大嬸」,並受邀至美國脫口秀節目現場演出。網路把整個媒體生態推向新的紀元,以唱片工業行銷角度切入,網路平台已經打破國家地區的侷限。傳統的唱片宣傳不外乎唱片公司砸大錢拍mv、電視廣告及上通告節目宣傳,諷刺的是效果卻不如網路來得快;近來只要打開電視及綜藝節目,處處都是「Dream Grils」,穿著火辣辛苦跑通告知載歌載舞同時,阿福youtube的初聲試啼影像已經悄悄地成為全球google熱門關鍵字。