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【光與影之間】你無法想像的悲慘生活環境 – Trash Land


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站前學英文 | 菁英站前校即時新聞 CNN報南瑪都颱風動態

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站前學英語 | 菁英站前校國際新聞導覽 賈伯斯閃電辭職 蘋果股價重挫


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站前學英語 | 【菁英站前世界新聞】「世界上最噁心菜餚」 《富比世》再度點名皮蛋






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【菁英站前世界新聞】2011年最夯的一隻鳥 憤怒鳥


Rovio Mobile Angry Birds lite s60v3 screenshot1.jpg  


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【站前世界新聞】 小報新聞垮台 梅鐸世界新聞報的幕後

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【菁英世界新聞】富比士百大影響人物 驚世駭俗女神卡卡降臨台灣






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When I saw this over at gizmag I just knew It had to hit our site as well it’s something that really shows never to give up, this poor dog doesn’t have front legs and yet through determination can get around with its 2 hind legs! But you know what just head over to her site and check it out for yourself there are videos and a gallery of Faith and you’ll see just how amazing the entire thing is

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【菁英站前校世界新聞】攝影道德的背後「To be, or not to be 




To be, or not to be 源自莎士比亞名劇《哈姆雷特》,當人生去到重要關頭,不太多,往往就只有兩個選項;然而,這可能是最痛苦最困難的考試,因為有些時候無論怎樣選,似乎都是錯的。


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Asia's most sinful cities

The best cities in Asia for indulging the devil on your shoulder

Seven deadly sins -- seven lively Asian cities. We all stray off the path of righteousness from time to time.

So if you're going to end up in hell due to a temptation to eat more than your fair share of stinky tofu, take a detour to Taipei first. Or if pride's your vice, take a turn toward Manila.

Click through the pages to see how these Asian cities take a sin and turn it into a raison d'être. 

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  Cheng Yen.JPG     

Thursday, Apr. 21, 2011

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